1. 帮助克服困难
2. 帮助某人
3. 帮助解决问题
4. 排忧解难
5. 帮忙
6. 救助
7. 支援,帮助克服困难
8. 帮助(某人)解决困难
9. 周济
- We help out with church functions and prepare to be missionaries .
- 我们帮助教会的工作,然后准备当个传教士。
- He was extremely knowledgeable and could even help out the carpenters .
- 他的知识极其渊博,甚至能帮木工解决问题。
- Or they may help out at lunch hour or in an after-school program at a school for autistic children .
- 学生也可以在午饭时间或者利用课外时间到一个专门为自闭症小孩开设的学校帮忙。
- Bear had been the only big firm that refused to help out long-term capital management a hedge fund that came close to the brink in 1998 .
- 贝尔是唯一一家拒绝帮助长期资本管理公司摆脱困境的公司,后者曾是在1998年濒于崩溃边缘的对冲基金。
- I just wanted to help out .
- 我只是想帮个忙。
- It looks like china could help out on low-cost rotavirus and pneumococcal .
- 中国看起来能够帮助降低轮状病毒疫苗和肺炎球菌疫苗的成本。
- If you don 't know where to start ask your supervisor for suggestions on projects where you can help out .
- 如果你不知道自己改如何一试身手的话,你可以去咨询下上司的意见,看看哪些项目自己是可以帮的上忙的。
- Rolex and roles royce shades and shirts all went under the hammer to help out the needy .
- 从劳力士到劳斯莱斯,各种物品都在慈善拍卖中用来帮助那些需要的人。
- I have a group of zimbabwean friends who are doctors in britain who return home every year and help out in hospitals .
- 我有一群在英国当医生的津巴布韦朋友,每年他们都抽出时间回到祖国,在医院帮忙。
- And they do not see why turkey should take on the burden of hosting immigrants just to help out the eu .
- 他们不明白为什么仅仅是为了帮助欧盟减轻负担,土耳其就要担负起收留移民的责任。